Why aren't we
hearing about
Dean Phillips?

Why aren't we
hearing about
Dean Phillips?

Why aren't we
hearing about
Dean Phillips?

He's polling at 32%
and surging!

He's polling at 32%
and surging!

He's polling at 32%
and surging!

The DNC is attempting to shut down 2024 primaries.

  • Massachusetts

  • Florida

  • North Carolina

  • Tennessee

They've already done it in 4 states.

This is beyond politics,
this isn't right

This is beyond politics,
this isn't right

Politico: Florida canceling primary

Florida appears poised to hold no presidential primary election for Democrats this cycle after the state party submitted only President Joe Biden’s name as a candidate up for the nomination.

Politico: Florida canceling primary

Florida appears poised to hold no presidential primary election for Democrats this cycle after the state party submitted only President Joe Biden’s name as a candidate up for the nomination.

NBC: NH Election

After the DNC ordered New Hampshire Democrats to “educate the public” about their “meaningless" primary, the state's attorney general fired back with a threat.

ABC: Ballot roadblocks

Not only are many of President Joe Biden's most high-profile Democratic challengers having difficulty making a dent in national polling, but they're also running into a major snafu in their efforts to replace him: getting onto state ballots in the first place.

CNN: Absence of democracy

“The intentional disenfranchisement of voters runs counter to everything for which our Democratic Party and country stand.”

A New Hampshire

A New Hampshire

win will spark

win will spark

a movement.

a movement.

The first Democratic primary is January 23rd in New Hampshire and Biden is not on the ballot due to a party dispute.

This is a huge opportunity for Dean to actually win.

Learn more about
Dean Phillips

Learn more about
Dean Phillips

Medicare for all

Affordable cost of living

Why Dean is running

Cut military overreach

Modernize education

Medicare for all

Affordable cost of living

Why Dean is running

Cut military overreach

Modernize education

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